8:30 Ecosystem accounting and biodiversity - Alejandro Caparros (Durham University, UK)
9:00 EU Bioeconomies and sustainable development - Justus Wesseler (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
9:30 ROA and the value of improved climate information - Alistair Hunt (University of Bath, UK)
10:00 Incentives via alternative green bonds design - Maximilian Schreiter (HHL, Germany)
11:00 Real Options in Environmental Policy - Yuri Lawryshyn (University of Toronto, Canada)
11:30 Real Environmental (Switching) Options - Dean Paxson (University of Manchester, UK)
12:00 Technology transitions in the presence of uncertain learning curves - Michael Leiblein (Ohio State University, USA)
1:30 Climate risks, policy financing and debt sustainability - Stavros Zenios (University of Cyprus)
2:00 Measuring the social cost of carbon under uncertainty - Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics, France)
2:45 What we know and don’t know about climate change and implications for policy - Robert S. Pindyck (MIT, USA)
9:00 Carbon Reduction Through Industrial Symbiosis - Jacco Thijssen (University of York, UK)
9:30 Climate policy toward carbon reduction and greener cities adaptation - Tine Compernolle (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
10:00 Land use and habitat conservation under uncertainty - Elizabeth Whalley (Warwick University, UK)
1:30 Alternative Firm Environmental Policies for Energy Transition - Babak Jafarizadeh (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
2:00 Wind to Hydrogen: Toward a Sustainable Economy in England - Mi Tian (University of Exeter, UK)
2:30 Powering the future: Harnessing Brazil's clean energy and green hydrogen potential - Luiz Brandao (PUC-Rio, Brazil and U. of Texas at Austin, USA)
3:30 Investment incentives in renewable energy - Artur Rodrigues (University of Minho, Portugal)
4:00 Role of subsidies in promoting UK green generating technologies - Roger Adkins (University of Bradford, UK)
4:30 Green investment under subsidy retraction risk - Roel Nagy (University of Antwerp, Belgium)